Ruby, my lil sis was baking yesterday whilst I was at school. I wouldv'e thought it would be a huge disaster with flour and eggs everywere as little 2 year old toddlers + baking (should) = big mess all over kitchen!!! But suprisingly it didn't it was really cute to see the piccies of her, take a looksie :) What do you think, cute or what - the rock cakes were really yummy - there wasn't many left when I got home so I was straight in there :) I'll put up a slide show so you can see the other piccies of her baking :)
I think it was yesterday when I came home to some yummy little love heart choccies (they were minty too) from monkey.
I am the blondie and I love monkeys as you can probably tell!!!
You can also see a little rock cake in my hand :D I do have longer hair by the way it is just tucked under my dressing gown for some reason.
Thank you monkey (((((())))) (hugs by the way :))
Nigel Receives A Very Wonderful Gift
1 year ago
I still think I was rooked in the rock cake to Mother ratio. She kept the kitchen a lot cleaner than when I bake on my own - there is usually flour clouds everywhere!